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Monday, March 22, 2010

The Red Couch

In the time honored tradition of all the adoption families traveling through the White Swan... today was picture day on the famous Red Couch! Absolutely hilarious trying to get 7 babies propped up on a couch and facing the same way and if at all possible not screaming.

All the babies were born between March and May 2009 and they are as follows left to right: Molly, Mei-Li, Allison, Isabella, Teagan, Leah and Lela. I would be remiss not to point out that Leah TOWERS over the bunch! Here is one of the whole crew:

Leah and Mei-Li had to show off their new butterfly spring loaded hair accessories. They are on these little spring things that you pull apart, place on their hair and let go and the spring grabs what little hair they have. Leah and Mei-Li are the most "hair challenged" of the bunch!

Found out from the Consulate this morning that all our paperwork is in order and all our fees are paid and we will get Leah's Visa to leave on Wednesday! That was really the last hurdle as far as the bureaucracy goes.... now it's just waiting for Wednesday for final papers.

Today we had time to go do some shopping and started off in the "Pearl Markets". Now, any description I can come up with to describe this place is going to fail in comparison to what it actually is but..... Imagine Washington square stacked on top of itself 4 times. Now imagine EVERY store in the entire mall was a store filled to the brim with every type of pearls, gem stones, semi precious stones, etc and you can begin to understand. The picture above shows the levels and the escalators... and the shops on each level are like 3 or 4 deep going back. All pearls. It is the Whole sale market for the surrounding provinces including Guangdong. I'm not sure if Janice has stopped giggling yet...... Yes, she and Lauren made out fine.

After the pearl markets we made our way through a large outdoor pedestrian mall and found this incredible DVD store. Just about every movie and current new release known to man. We ended up with about 20 movies and paid just under $40. It was like $2 a piece!! Good news is that we jump started our new Disney and Pixar DVD collection for Leah. All of our old ones were on VHS when Alex and Lauren were young.

Oh! I forgot.... Alex and I found this small shop by the White Swan with this little lady in the back who is a seamstress. She took us in the back and showed us bolts and bolts of silk fabrics with all different colors and designs. We got to pick out any one we wanted and she is making us custom fit pajama lounge pants and boxers! I'm pretty excited about that... it is hard to find these long enough for either one of us.

We decided to walk back to the hotel from the markets and ended up in the middle of neighborhood free markets. First was pets and animals and then into this crazy Turkish bizarre type thing that I mentioned yesterday with the dried goods. literally 1000's of these little shops, street after street. bizarre.

Tomorrow we go and take the Oath at the US consulate that will make Leah a US citizen when we land in San Francisco on Thursday. Plus, figure out how we are going to get all these new purchases home !

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